All materials available on the platform, including data, information, designs, graphics (including graphical representations of information), software and source code (Contents) are protected by copyright, trademarks and other forms of proprietary rights
Only personal and non-profit users are allowed to benefit from the platform content and any information published on it that is accessed legally, provided that the user indicates that the iDoctor platform is the source of such content and information. On the other hand, it is not permissible in any way to sell, license, rent, modify, copy, reproduce, reprint, upload, advertise, transfer, distribute, publicly display, edit, create derivative works or otherwise use any of the materials or contents of this platform for commercial purposes without obtaining prior written approval from the iDoctor platform management.
We take your privacy seriously. Users' personal information is collected only when they register or use the services provided. We use this information to improve user experience and provide personalized services. We are committed to not sharing personal information with third parties without the user's consent, and we implement security measures to protect data. You can see our Privacy Policy for more details on how we handle personal information.